Saturday, October 27, 2018

Taiwan Halal Products Gaining Popularity in Malaysia

Taiwanese food producers have successfully expanded their presence in Malaysia in recent years and have just upped the ante with the Taiwan Halal Pavilion under the Taiwan Expo 2018 in Malaysia. The expo is scheduled to run from the 25th to 27th of October and halal products on display at the Taiwan Halal Pavilion include canned coffee, brewed milk tea, vegetarian products, franchise business and skincare products. The aim of the expo is to foster greater cooperation with Malaysian companies to collectively branch into the Southeast Asian halal market and beyond.
Research and development are defining traits of Taiwanese products and have resulted in a wide variety of products with delicious flavours and exquisite packaging well received by the market. Popular brands such as 3.15pm Instant Milk Tea and Mr. Brown canned coffee have become very popular amongst visitors to Taiwan and will be available in Taiwan Expo.
Taiwan Halal Center has been seeking greater cooperation with Malaysian counterparts to join forces in developing the global halal market. Taiwan Expo and the Taiwan Halal Pavilion are the perfect platforms to introduce to Malaysians the competitive edge of Taiwanese halal products. The product debut in 2017 was a good test of market and the innovative products introduced received good feedback from Muslim customers. This year’s development has been even more noteworthy as the products have made inroads into major hypermarket as well as the Halal Taiwan Food Fair held organized by MyDin.
A Halal Taiwan Showcase will be held on 26th October in conjunction with Taiwan Expo 2018 and participating companies include BIOSOL TECH. CORP. LTD., TENART BIOTECH (MasKingdom); VEGEFARM, YOUNG QIN INTERNATIONAL (Fried Chicken Master); SHIH CHEN FOODD (3:15PM), KING INDUSTRIAL (Mr. Brown), etc. Special guests to the event include Mr. Mohd Aminuddin Sham Tajudin, Director of Halal, F&B and Agro-Based Section, Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE), Mr.Zulkifly Md Said, Director General of Islamic Tourism Centre (ITC), Dato’ Noor Zaleha Baharudin, Organising Chairman of MTC Gold Awards cum Vice President of Malaysia Tourism
Council (MTC) as well as 60 friends from the media and social media influencers. The guests and media were treated to a delightful runway show of the many wonderful products available.
Halal Food Fair with MYDIN

Outside of consumer products, Taiwan has also made significant strides in attracting Muslim Travelers and was ranked fifth in the latest Global Muslim Travel Index (GMTI)
under the Non-OIC Destination category for the first time this year. The Taiwan Halal
Center was awarded MTC Gold Awards by the Malaysia Tourism Council for developing
and promoting Muslim-friendly travel destinations. Malaysia is home to more than 20
million Muslims and is the most advanced and developed Muslim market in Southeast
Asia. It is also home to a large Chinese population that can communicate easily with
Taiwanese companies, making it the ideal springboard for Taiwanese companies looking
to expand into the global market. That Taiwan Halal Center plans to organize yearly
business visit to Taiwan for overseas buyers to learn more about the products as it sets
its sights on the Southeast Asia and Middle East.
Taiwan Expo in Malaysia is held from the 25th to 27th of October at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Center. Taiwan Halal Pavilion is one of the theme exhibitions under the Expo and visitors are welcomed to visit Booth 402 to try out some of the delicacies.
The Halal Taiwan Food Fair with MYDIN will run from 25th of October to 4th of November at SAM Groceria NU Sentral. Hundreds of Taiwanese halal food products will be available including dried fruit, fruit vinegar, desserts, snacks, etc. All the products are certified halal and Malaysians from all walks of life can enjoy with peace of mind.
For more information, please visit official website or social media platforms and

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Kemelut Tourism Malaysia… Bukan Pujian Jadi Ukuran, Tapi Bakti Yang Disumbangkan

Nak ditelan mati ibu, nak diluah mati bapa. Begitulah ungkapan yang boleh saya gambarkan dengan keadaan apa yang berlaku khususnya dalam kalangan pegawai pengurusan tertinggi sama ada di Tourism Malaysia mahupun Kementerian Pelancongan ketika ini. 

Saya terpanggil untuk berbicara tentang isu  ini dalam perspektif yang berbeza. Perspekif pengamal media pelancongan yang telah sekian lama tidak didendangkan.. Semuanya kerana isu yang  semakin hangat dibicarakan di media sosial serta media arus perdana umpama api dalam sekam yang kian membara. Isu ini seolah tiada penghujungnya. 

Dalam situasi yang tidak menentu ini, ada juga pihak yang cuba menangguk di air yang keruh. Namun pada saya isu siapa salah atau siapa betul bukanlah perkara pokok yang perlu kita cari. Apa yang paling utama ialah kita  perlu mencari pendekatan yang terbaik bagi menyelesaikan kekalutan yang berlaku.

Saya tidak berminat untuk mengulas lanjut tentang apa yang cuba dibangkitkan oleh Mantan Pengerusi Tourism Malaysia yang tampil membuka ‘tembelang’ selepas musim PRU14 berlalu. Beliau mungkin ada asas dan bukti yang tersendiri. Namun dalam situasi sekarang segala persoalan, segala pertuduhan, segala pertelagahan perlu ditangani secara bijaksana dan berhemah.

Bukan sehari dua saya bergelumang dalam dunia pelancongan ini. Saya membesar bersama dunia pelancongan. Jika di Tourism Malaysia itu saya telah lihat  ramai juga pegawai yang telah naik pangkat dari bawah hinggalah yang telah menjawat jawatan tertinggi di agensi itu. Ada juga yang telah pencen. Pada saya komitmen dan sumbangan mereka dalam menjayakan aspirasi pelancongan negara tidak perlu dipandang sepi.

Begitu juga dengan Menteri-menteri yang telah berkhidmat di Kementerian ini… Ada yang OK dan ada juga yang sebaliknya. Realti yang berlaku, setiap kali tukar Menteri, setiap kali itu lah bertukar hala tuju, dasar dan kempen promosi pelancongan. Dari Kempen Cuti-Cuti Malaysia bertukar kepada Kempen Zoom! Malaysia kemudian bertukar balik ke Kempen Cuti-Cuti 1 Malaysia. Ada kempen yang berkesan.. ada juga yang kecundang. Ada juga yang ‘Syok Sendiri’.

Bila tercetusnya isu yang melibatkan  pegawai tertinggi di Tourism Malaysia, saya dapat merasakan sesuatu yang sangat tidak kena. Kita harus menilai sesuatu isu secara menyeluruh tanpa ada sedikit pun persepsi yang berat sebelah. Sebagai penjawat awam mereka sememangnya tertakluk kepada kod etika serta garis panduan yang telah ditetapkan. Namun dalam situasi yang mendesak dan tekanan daripada pihak tertentu ada ketikanya mereka terpaksa meminggirkan soal intergriti sebagai penjawat awam.  Mereka tersepit antara nak menjaga ‘Menteri’ atau menjaga ‘periuk nasi’ sendiri.

Kalau tak ikut arahan ‘Orang Atasan’ itu , silap haribulan nasib malang menanti. Ada yang tak naik pangkat, ada yang di tukar jabatan, ada yang dibekukan dan ada yang didakwa di mahkamah. Inilah nasib penjawat awam yang terkadang kita terlepas pandang. 

Saya percaya jauh di sudut hati mereka rasa serba salah dan cuba untuk memastikan hasrat semua pihak dapat dipenuhi.. Dalam keadaan terpaksa dan rasa serba salah mereka terpaksa menurutkan juga arahan yang diberikan.. Itulah yang sering tertulis dalam surat-surat rasmi kerajaan yang tertulis “Saya Yang Menurut Perintah”. mungkin itulah yang tersirat sebelum ini .. umpama nak ditelan mati ibu, nak diluah mati bapa.  Di luar wajah nampak ceria, namun di dalam hati air mata jatuh ke dalam…

Saya bukan ingin membela mana-mana pihak. Jauh sekali membuat kenyataan subversif yang mengeruhkan lagi keadaan. Pada saya kita harus berlaku adil sebelum membuat apa-apa penilaian dan menjatuhkan hukuman. 
Saya tidak pandai ‘membeli jiwa’  apatah lagi menggunakan ‘bahasa ampu’, tapi jika ingin memuji atau pun mengeji  biarlah ada hadnya berlandaskan prinsip wasatiah.

Saya percaya komitmen  warga Tourism Malaysia dan Kementerian Pelancongan selama ini  yang tidak pernah mengenal erti penat, telah meletakkan industri pelancongan negara ke satu tahap yang cukup membanggakan sekali gus merealisasikan aspirasi pelancongan negara.

Tidak kira siapa kita, sama ada  Pegawai tertinggi di Kementerian  atau kakitangan bawahan,  mereka sebenarnya mempunyai misi yang lebih utama dalam memastikan industri pelancongan negara terus subur dan makmur.

Biar bakti yang disumbangkan jadi ukuran, bukan pujian yang jadi keutamaan. Apa yang ingin saya nyatakan di sini kita harus bekerja dengan seikhlas hati dalam menyemarakkan industri pelancongan negara. Buatlah sesuatu usaha itu dengan bersungguh-sungguh tanpa mengharapkan pujian atau penghargaan kerana apa yang lebih penting di sini adalah pencapaian.  Usahlah kita bermimpi di siang hari dan membiarkan diri kita di takuk yang lama.

Perjalanan kita masih jauh. Jika tahun ini kita telah berjaya memikat berpuluh juta  pelancong mengunjungi negara kita, pada tahun 2020 pula, kita perlu memastikan sasaran sebanyak 36 juta pelancong dengan nilai pendapatan sebanyak RM168 billion menerusi Plan Transformasi Pelancongan Negara dapat dicapai. Ayuh kita bangun dan berlari lebih laju lagi dalam memperkasakan industri pelancongan negara. Moga-moga hasrat murni kita ini akan dapat dilaksanakan seikhlas yang mungkin.

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Most Popular Raya Destinations for Malaysians

·  Bangkok beats KL and Langkawi as the most popular Raya destination for Malaysian travellers this year
·  Penang is the most popular domestic Raya destination this year
Malaysians are heading overseas for Raya, with New York listed among the Top 10 destinations for the first time and Tokyo rising in popularity

KUALA LUMPUR  Tom Yam prevails over Rendang this year, as Bangkok emerges as the most popular Hari Raya destination this year according to the latest data from™.
Bangkok’s popularity puts the Thai capital above popular domestic getaway destinations such as Langkawi, Penang and Melaka. Bangkok, the number one destination for Malaysian travellers according to™’s latest Hotels Price Index (HPI), has long been a popular getaway destination for Malaysian families for its affordable shopping, wide variety of halal cuisines and great entertainment options.
“We are seeing a growing number of Malaysians who seek a different experience during the Hari Raya holiday period. Many Malaysians take the advantage of the long Hari Raya weekend to embark on a family Raya getaway in destinations such as Bangkok, Penang and even New York”, said Jessica Chuang, Regional Director for Greater China, Southeast Asia & India for the Brand.

Most popular Hari Raya destinations for Malaysian travellers in 2018*, domestic and overseas:

Kuala Lumpur
Port Dickson
Kuala Lumpur
Port Dickson
Hat Yai
New York
Tanah Rata

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Alami keseronokan Festival Cheung Chau Bun

Pesta kebudayaan yang unik kembali dengan perarakan hebat serta kemuncak yang penuh dramatik dengan memanjat "menara ban”.

Setiap tahun, pada hari kelima dan kesembilan bulan lunar keempat (antara bulan April dan Mei) pelbagai jenis ban, patung dewa-dewa yang diperbuat daripada kertas, peniup seruling, pemukul gendang dan penari tarian singa berkumpul di pulau kecil Cheung Chau untuk menyambut pesta tempatan yang paling unik di dunia. Tahun ini, Pesta Ban Cheung Chau, upacara tradisional Taoist kembali mempesona para peserta dan penonton dari 19 Mei hingga 23 Mei 2018.
Pesta yang berlangsung selama seminggu di Pulau Cheung Chau terdiri daripada tiga bahagian utama. Pertama, perarakan dewa, dipanggil piu sik (warna-warna terapung); kedua penghormatan kepada roh; akhir sekali dan juga yang paling terkenal, adalah pertandingan merebut ban.
Idea di sebalik Piu Sik, yang juga dikenali sebagai perarakan warna terapung, adalah untuk memperingati dewa-dewa di sekitar pulau itu dan bagi menakutkan roh-roh jahat. Sebagai versi moden, penduduk kampung menyamar sebagai dewa untuk menakutkan semangat jahat. Kini bagi pelancong ia adalah satu pemandangan yang berwarna-warni, dengan kanak-kanak berpakaian seperti dewa legenda atau selebriti moden sambil berdiri di atas platform tinggi untuk kelihatan seperti 'terapung' kepada orang ramai. Pada hari terakhir perarakan, para peserta akan berlari ke Kuil Pak Tai, dengan harapan akan menjadi orang yang pertama untuk menyambut dan menghormati dewa-dewa yang diarak.
Selepas perarakan piu sik, upacara menghormati roh-roh diadakan pada waktu malam. Pada penghujung upacara, penduduk kampung membakar patung kertas Raja Hantu yang besar. Kemudian, ban akan diagihkan kepada semua orang untuk berkongsi rezeki yang baik. Ban tersebut juga dikenali sebagai "Lucky Bun" atau Ban Bertuah, dan ramai yang mendoakan keamanan, keselamatan dan kesihatan yang baik sambil menikmati ban dari Cheung Chau.
Dibuat daripada tepung beras dengan inti seperti biji lotus, kacang merah dan bijan, ban "Lucky Bun" dihias dengan aksara Cina - "damai" dan "selamat", yang melambangkan kesihatan dan kemakmuran. Tahun ini, Kwok Kam Kee, kedai ban klasik "Lucky Bun" di Cheung Chau akan bekerjasama dengan Sanrio untuk melancarkan tiga citarasa "Lucky Bun" termasuklah ban Matcha, Ube dan biji Lotus. Bermula dari Mei 2018, satu "Lucky Bun Gift Set" telah dilancarkan, di mana ban ini dihasilkan dalam bentuk Hello Kitty, Gudetama dan PomPomPurin dengan tiga citarasa baharu dan juga boleh didapati dengan rasa asli.

Pada waktu tengah malam di hari terakhir perayaan, "Bun Scrambling Competition" akan diadakan di mana sebuah menara 60 kaki (14 meter) yang diliputi dengan ban tiruan didirikan berhampiran Kuil Pak Tai. Peserta akan mendaki dengan cepat untuk mengumpul seberapa banyak ban yang mereka boleh. Semakin tinggi ban, semakin baik tuah yang akan diperolehi. Itulah sebabnya kebanyakan peserta berlumba ke puncak untuk merebut ban yang paling bertuah untuk mendapat rezeki yang baik.
Pesta ini berasal daripada wabak yang melanda Cheung Chau pada zaman Dinasti Qing (1644-1911). Penduduk pulau itu membina sebuah mazbah di hadapan Kuil Pak Tai dan memohon tuhan Pak Tai untuk mengusir roh-roh jahat di sekeliling pulau itu, sambil mengusung patung-patung dewa melalui lorong- lorong sempit di kampung mereka. Wabak itu berakhir selepas mengendalikan ritual Taoist ini. 100 tahun kemudian, upacara-upacara ini masih diamalkan dan telah menjadi sebahagian daripada warisan budaya Hong Kong.
Di samping acara meriah Pesta Ban Cheung Chau, Hong Kong juga akan meraikan perayaan tradisional lain seperti:
22 Mei Hari Ulang Tahun Kelahiran Buddha
Dianjurkan oleh Buddha's Light International Association of Hong Kong, sambutan Karnival Hari Ulang Tahun Buddha menarik lebih daripada 100,000 peserta setiap tahun. Buddha Bathing Festival, adalah salah satu karnival yang paling unik dan penuh kerohanian yang disambut di Hong Kong. Ketika sambutan ini, terdapat pesta makanan vegetarian, karnival permainan, pameran bunga, seni dan kraft tangan; serta 'Kid's Paradise'. Pengunjung boleh mengambil bahagian dalam upacara seperti memandikan Buddha, melafazkan doa, meditasi, dan kaligrafi sutra, yang berfungsi untuk menyucikan minda seseorang. Ia merupakan salah satu upacara paling besar yang diadakan di Bi Lin Po Lin di Pulau Lantau, rumah Buddha Besar.
22 Mei Hari Ulang Tahun Kelahiran Tam Kung
Terkenal di kalangan masyarakat pesisir pantai, dewa Tam Kung dikatakan mampu meramalkan cuaca dan menyembuhkan orang yang sakit. Dia juga dikatakan mempelajari rahsia kekal muda semasa dia berusia 12 tahun. Maka patung-patung Tam Kung biasanya menggambarkan seorang lelaki berusia 80 tahun dengan wajah seorang kanak-kanak. Festival Tin Hau, Hari Ulang Tahun Buddha, dan Festival Cheung Chau Bun dan Ulang Tahun Kelahiran Tam Kung adalah peluang terbaik untuk mempelajari budaya dan tradisi yang kaya di daerah moden ini.
Sertai sambutan perayaan ini dan saksikan warisan Hong Kong yang kaya dengan budaya. Layari laman web Lembaga Pelancongan (HKTB) Hong Kong untuk maklumat lanjut. 

Hong Kong Disneyland Resort launches first of its kind “Carnivale of Stars” this summer
“Moana: A Homecoming Celebration” opens as the first new experience of HKDL’s multi-year expansion
The “Pixar Water Play Street Party!” leads up to summer extravaganza
(KUALA LUMPUR, May 24, 2018) “Carnivale of Stars” at Hong Kong Disneyland Resort (HKDL) is bringing brand-new fun this summer! Guests can experience a rich line-up of excitement day and night, including the all-new atmosphere stage show “Moana: A Homecoming Celebration,” the “We Love Mickey!” Projection Show, and a new African-style Karibuni Marketplace.

From June 21 to September 2, the seasonal program heats up with favorite Disney∙Pixar characters leading HKDL’s first-ever “Pixar Water Play Street Party!” –and be sure not to miss the opportunities to meet Mr. and Mrs. Incredible at the “The Incredibles Arrive!” Together with special accommodation experiences at the resort’s three uniquely themed hotels as well as shopping and dining offers, guests from Malaysia can enjoy “play, shop, dine, and stay” for a total Disney holiday experience.  

All-new Moana atmosphere stage show to debut at Adventureland
The first attraction of the resort’s current multi-year expansion, the new lively atmosphere stage show, “Moana: A Homecoming Celebration,” will officially open to guests on May 25 in an entirely new outdoor venue, Jungle Junction, in Adventureland. The heroine of the popular animated film, Moana, will invite guests to join her adventure in a 20-minute live show rich with inspirational visual storytelling, dancing, puppetry and music. Guests can join this interactive show with Moana, six performers and two live drummers as they share Moana’s epic adventures with the demigod, Maui, to restore the heart of Te Fiti, the mother island who gives life.

Guests are invited to be part of the show and interact with performers, from playing drums to joining forces in dramatizing the attack of the Kakamora pirates, to moving like ocean waves to help guide Moana on her journey, to cheering Maui as they encourage him to help Moana. Throughout the show, performers are playing multiple roles as they re-tell Moana’s adventures, with the use of different voices, acting, choreography and props, inspiring guests’ imagination and creativity, further immersing them into the show.

“Moana: A Homecoming Celebration” tells a story of Polynesian culture with a virtue of recognizing the inner beauty within each and every one. As an inspirational Disney Princess, Moana is a truly powerful role model for all ages. She is a vibrant, tenacious, optimistic, determined, and compassionate young girl who is struggling to find her true self and identity. This first-ever atmosphere stage show at HKDL opens a window for guests to learn and further explore Moana’s inner beauty through extraordinary storytelling. To provide a total experience, guests can also meet Moana in person, hear stories of her oceanic voyages, and share hugs and snapshots with her.

Dive into an eclectic atmosphere at Karibuni Marketplace
Brand-new experiences are set to launch in Adventureland, bringing even more magical moments to guests during the daytime. Karibuni Marketplace, which is next to Theater in the Wild in Adventureland, has already been launched to immerse guests in the lively colors, sights and sounds of Africa. Guests can win an exclusive souvenir through interactive games such as the Wheel of Fortune, Blongo Balls and Plinko, and savor various special snacks that are available only at this unique marketplace.

Characters from beloved Disney adventure stories, including Carl and Russell from Up, Judy and Nick from Zootopia, King Louie and Baloo from The Jungle Book, Rafiki and Timon from The Lion King, Princess Jasmine and Genie from Aladdin and Lilo and Stitch from Lilo and Stitch will greet guests at the Karibuni Marketplace.

Soak up summer fun at first-ever “Pixar Water Play Street Party!” and meet The Incredibles!

For the first time, beloved characters from popular Disney∙Pixar films will make a big splash at the park in the “Pixar Water Play Street Party!”. From June 21 onwards, join Mr. and Mrs. Incredible from The Incredibles, Woody, Buzz Lightyear and their pals from Toy Story, along with other Disney∙Pixar stars in this water-based celebration. Together with more than 30 performers, they will ensure guests soak up a cool, water-filled summer celebration along Main Street, U.S.A. 

With Incredibles 2 coming soon to cinemas, guests can catch up with their favorite super hero family in a series of unique, high-energy encounters as part of “The Incredibles Arrive!” in Tomorrowland! Mr. Incredible, Mrs. Incredible and Frozone will be riding their hovercrafts - all geared up and ready to have fun with guests!

All-new “We Love Mickey!” Projection Show with dazzling visual effects and lighting
Lots of surprises will continue during the nighttime! Minnie Mouse and her pals are inviting guests to a surprise party for Mickey Mouse as part of Disney’s all-new “We Love Mickey!” Projection Show each evening. This new celebration transforms the buildings of Main Street, U.S.A. into a canvas for vibrant, colorful visuals that pay tribute to Mickey’s major milestones. The artistic experience features Mickey’s memorable classics, his full-color heyday and a crazy kaleidoscope of Mickey in modern styles. During the finale of the dazzling projection show, Mickey will appear in his finest attire to thank everyone for the fantastic surprise. It is a spectacle of color, music and visual effects that guests will want to experience again and again. 

Indulge with an exotic range of souvenirs and delightful snacks
The range of over 100 exclusive, summer-themed memorabilia at the park will be extended this summer to include new collections of Duffy and friends series with exotic fruit themes. Along with the debut of The Incredibles experience at the park, new souvenirs themed after the super hero family will be available for the first time. From plush toys to collectable Tsum Tsum, school bags, utensils and more, guests will find incredible keepsakes from the collection, and even acquire the super hero family look with a full range of apparel for the entire family. Specially designed Moana outfits and necklaces which look just like Moana’s in the film will also be available for guests to dress up like their favorite heroine. 

More than 40 summer dining choices will be available across the resort and the hotels too. To mark the arrival of the new lively atmosphere stage show, River View Cafe will present an exciting new “Moana’s Special Menu” that curates a range of authentic snacks, while young guests can busy themselves making creative handicrafts. At Explorer’s Club Restaurant, “Summer Mickey Ice with Fruits” will be added as the flavor of the season and keep guests cool along with other icy desserts such as frozen watermelon. Creative summer drinks - “Magical Ocean” themed after Moana will be served up at Disney Explorers Lodge, while “Frozone” and “Showtime”themed after The Incredibles will be available at Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel and Disney’s Hollywood Hotel.

Summer fun spread across three resort hotels
Guests staying at the resort’s three hotels will be able to join a host of fun themed activities. The “Adventures of Oceania” poolside party at Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel will immerse young guests in challenging games. A Disney friend is ready to have fun with guests at an afternoon poolside party at the Rain Drop Pool at Disney Explorers Lodge. 

Hotel guests can enjoy a multitude of immersive summer recreational pursuits, including Moana and Disney∙Pixar themed leisure activities. Young guests may also unleash their creativity by making exclusive Disney handcrafts like wind bell ornaments, plant decor and towel art.

Taking summer magic up a notch, guests can have their hotel rooms decorated with the theme of The Incredibles for HK$600 from June 21 onwards. The room decoration package includes themed bed runners, slippers, door stickers, amenities kits, sweet delights plus a water bottle and a set of kid’s utensils – all themed afterThe Incredibles to deliver a magical and heroic stay for hotel guests. 

As well as heartfelt services and family-friendly facilities and amenities, the resort hotels offer exclusive privileges for hotel guests, making their magical Disney experience with their loved ones even more special. Guests staying at the resort’s hotels will receive at least one Priority Admission Pass for selected attractions, as well as the season’s exclusive souvenirs, including an amenities box, Disney slippers and door stickers. Guests staying at one of the resort’s three hotels can join fun activities throughout the day at all three hotels.

New hotel services offer greater hospitality and maximize vacation fun
Committed to creating memorable stays for guests, HKDL introduced an all-new Express Online Check-in service, allowing guests to complete online check-in within 7 days prior to their arrival day to simplify the check-in process on arrival. 

Guests who want to spend a day at the theme park before checking into the hotel can also make use of the Luggage Valet Service to have their bags transferred to their hotel for a specified fee and make the most of their time at the park.

Exclusive offers for Malaysian guests
Guests can start planning their magical journey with the following attractive offers:

  1. Limited time Hari Raya Promotion for Hong Kong Disneyland Resort 2-Day-1- Night Package
  • Travel between June 1 to September 30, 2018 to enjoy Hari Raya holidays at HKDL with two 2-Day Tickets and 1-night stay in Disney Explorers Lodge, Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel or Disney’s Hollywood Hotel. 
  • Booking period: May 24 to June 23, 2018; available at selected travel agencies
  1. Limited Time Offer
-      Book hotel stay at either Disney Explorers Lodge, the Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel or Disney’s Hollywood Hotel starting from HK$855.  
  • Promotion period: May 24 – Jun 23, 2018 (at least 5 days advance booking)
  1. Advance Purchase Room Offer
  • Book in advance to save up to 20% on guest rooms, starting from HK$1,200 at Disney Explorers Lodge, Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel or Disney’s Hollywood Hotel. 
  • Book online to enjoy a free room upgrade plus one Attraction Priority Admission Pass per guest staying in the same room.
  1. “PLAY, SHOP, DINE” 1-Day Special Package
  • Get a complimentary HK$50 merchandise gift voucher or one free Mickey waffle upon buying a 1-Day Ticket.

For details, please visit: and selected travel agencies. Terms and conditions apply.
Fun-filled seasonal experiences continue throughout 2018 day and night
Seasonal entertainment will continue at the resort beyond “Carnivale of Stars” for the rest of year. Disney Halloween Time returns in September to deliver a fresh round of wicked fun. Jack Skellington of The Nightmare Before Christmas will lead Disney baddies creating frightful mayhem.

From November to January 1, 2019, Mickey and friends will share Christmas carols for a heart-warming celebration of “A Disney Christmas,” as Christmas tree lighting and romantic snowfalls create a memorably festive experience for guests. 

The transformation of Hong Kong Disneyland’s castle is fully underway. The transformed castle will pay tribute to 13 Disney Princess stories and take the park to new heights with all-new day and nighttime entertainment. HKDL invites every guest to join the magic and help create a Disney castle mosaic! Guests are welcome to share a photo taken in front of the Disney Princess scenes or any memorable photo at the park on Instagram with #CreateADisneyCastle or upload directly to to create a Disney castle mosaic together. 

Disney magic fills Hong Kong Disneyland day and night. For more information, please visit:

Monday, May 21, 2018

Top 10 Business Hotel in Malaysia

TrustYou, the world’s largest guest feedback platform, has published its results of the Best Business Hotels in APACUsing keyword analysis of travel reviews associated with hotels, destinations and travel websites scattered across the vast and fragmented market to achieve aggregated results, the top 10 Business Hotel in Malaysia according to TrustYou scores are:
  1. InterContinental Kuala Lumpur
  2. Mandarin Oriental Kuala Lumpur
  3. Traders Hotel Kuala Lumpur
  4. Holiday Inn Express Kuala Lumpur City Centre
  5. The Majestic Hotel Kuala Lumpur
  6. Sunway Hotel Georgetown Penang
  7. Shangri-La Hotel, Kuala Lumpur
  8. Grand Hyatt Kuala Lumpur
  9. Ramada Plaza Melaka
  10. Ascott Sentral Kuala Lumpur
Founded in 2008 by Benjamin Jost and Jakob Riegger, TrustYou’s products are trusted and used worldwide by suppliers – hotels, accommodations, restaurants – for an array of reputation management purposes and by intermediaries – OTAs, meta-search, destination marketers – to help travellers purchase wisely. 

The company draws it data from over 230,000 travel reviews a month from various sources and transforms this content into actionable insights and visualisations for over half a million hotels–cutting down tedious groundwork–enabling travel sites to finetune their trip planning processes and hotels to offer the best experience to their guests.

The goal is to enable hotels and destinations to provide travellers with better services and enhanced offerings by monitoring, surveying and acting on trusted feedback of their guests. This also helps intermediaries improve travellers’ search-shop-buy experiences by providing structured data like meta reviews.